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2024-2025 Officer Team


Cameron Addington

Region President

Hey there FFA members! My name is Cameron Addington, and I am from the Cannon Falls FFA Chapter.  This fall I will be starting my senior year of high school, while additionally serving as my chapter president. I joined FFA when I was in 7th grade, but FFA has been an aspect of my life since I was very young because of my family's involvement in the organization. Since becoming a member, I have participated in a wide variety of Career and Leadership Development Events, but my favorite is Creed Speaking, which I competed in at the National FFA Convention in 2022! My SAE falls into the fruit production placement and entrepreneurship proficiency categories, where I am employed in a vineyard while also owning my own personal rows of Marquette grapes. Outside FFA, I love to hunt, fish, spend time with family, and particpate in extracurriculars like Honor Society, Trap, Soccer, Youth Group, and 4H, where I show swine and poultry. I can't wait to make connections with all of you FFA members in this coming year, and I'm honored to serve as your 2024-2025 Region VIII President! I'm excited to see you all soon!

Region Vice President

Katelynn Carpenter

Hi everyone! My name is Katelynn Carpenter I am from the Zumbrota-Mazeppa FFA chapter.This fall I am going to start my freshman year of college. I joined FFA in 8th grade and didn’t really think I would do too much in it until my friend Olivia Amsbaugh convinced me to join the Soils team and I’ve been hooked ever since. I have found my passion for agriculture in FFA and have decided that I want to further my education in agriculture at college. Right now I am attending the University of Minnesota Twin Cities majoring an Animal Science and minoring in Ag Communications. FFA has helped me make friendships and memories that will last a lifetime. I have been in the Soils CDE since 8th grade, I joined my FFA chapter’s Parliamentary Procedure Team in 10th grade, and in 12th grade I competed in Extemporaneous Speaking. My SAE is Food Service Placement where I work at my towns McDonald's as a manager. I can’t wait to make more memories and meet new people! I am so thankful and beyond excited to get this opportunity to serve Region VIII this coming year.


Elsie Faux

Region Secretary


Hello! My name is Elsie Faux I'm going to be a senior at Farmington High School through the school year of 24-25.  Within the Farmington chapter I have been the 23-24 Secretary and I'm currently the Vice President. I joined my chapter my freshmen year. My why on joining my chapter was actually because I didn't know what I was interested in yet and decided to start my high school journey through FFA by joining the soils CDE. This instantly was a spark for me in a line of interest I hadn't yet before had if it weren't for FFA. Newly this year I joined my Parliamentary procedure team which Farmington hasn't had in a long time. So I'm still in a growing chapter which is learning on how they can impact Agricultural education within our community. Outside of FFA you can find me in a garden, hiking, camping, marching band, orchestra, and volunteering for NHS (National Honor Society). Having this opportunity of being your 24-25 Region VIII Secretary is an honor and I can't wait to meet you all and hearing your stories about how FFA has impacted you.

Edward Winters

Region Treasurer

Hello everyone! My name is Edward Winters, and I am from the Zumbrota-Mazeppa FFA Chapter.  This fall I will be starting my junior year of high school, while serving as my chapter's vice-president. I joined FFA when I was in 8th grade and have enjoyed it ever since. Since joining FFA, I have participated in several different Career and Leadership Development Events, including Nursery and Landscape and Parliamentary Procedure! My SAE is in the area of Nursery Operations Placement, which includes my job at a local greenhouse. Outside of FFA, I am involved in trap shooting at school and 4-H, National Honor Society, and 4-H, where I participate in the beef and poultry projects. I hope to meet many of you in this upcoming year and I am honored to serve as your 2024-2025 Region VIII Treasurer!


Kaileigh Decker

Region Reporter


Hey ya'll! My name is Kaileigh Decker and I am one of Region VIII's Assistant Officers! I will be a Senior this year and I am from the Stewartville FFA chapter. My FFA journey started my freshman year, my grandpa, mom, and uncles were all in FFA and told me all about the experiences they had. My grandpa told me of all the things he learned and how he made some of the best memories. I decided to join FFA just to try it out and I ended up loving it. It became my passion right away. I started to become very involved and serve in multiple committees within my chapter. I became my chapter's Historian in my sophomore year. This previous year I was my chapter's Treasurer, and this year I am my chapters President. I have competed in CDEs like AG Sales and Floriculture. Outside of FFA, I work on my grandparent's dairy farm where I do everything from milking the cows to working in the fields. Even though I do not have my own horse I love to ride and have competed in a couple of fun horse competitions. I also love to sing, each year for the past 8 years I have sung on the Eagles Cancer Telethon and have done a couple of gigs. I am also on Stewartville's Tennis Team, multiple choirs, and Youth Group. I can't wait to see what this year will bring Region VIII and I am so excited to be a part of it! I am so excited to help all of ya'll get more involved within FFA! I am so honored to be able to work with everybody in Region VIII!

Hilari Palodichuk

Region Sentinel

Hi everyone! My name is Hilari Palodichuk I am from the Cannon Falls FFA chapter. This fall I am going to start my junior year of High School. I joined FFA in 7th grade and didn’t think I would do too much in it. After being involved in the Kiddie Barnyard that summer I was hooked on FFA. Since joining FFA I have participated in Forestry, Creed Speaking, BIG, Milk Quality, and Floriculture. I am also my chapter's second Vice President. My SAE is in entrepreneurship where I grow, cut, and sell tuplis. I also make wood signs, which attach hooks to, to make a coat rack. Outside of FFA, I am a part of my school newspaper, dance team, softball, Trap, and fishing team. I enjoy being in FFA because of all the opportunities it has presented to me. I have enjoyed making connections and developing leadership skills throughout the years. I can't wait to see and connect with all of you in Region VIII and throughout Minnesota this year as your 2024-2025 Region VIII Sentinel. 

Mattea Quigley

Region Assisstant Officer

Hello hello! My name is Mattea Quigley, and I am from the Randolph FFA Chapter. This fall, I will be going into my junior year of high school, and serving as my chapter's secretary. Becoming a part of FFA in 7th grade was one of the best choices I have made. I have built so many meaningful friendships, gained leadership skills, and have been blessed with so many memories and opportunities! As for Career Development Events, I have competed in Dairy Evaluation and Dairy Handling. I have had a few different SAEs but my most prominent one is Goat Production, where I maintain a herd of Boer Goats. Outside of FFA, I enjoy 4-H, Cross Country, Track, Show Choir, Student Council, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Horticulture Club. You can also catch me in the barn helping with farm chores or exhibiting sheep, goats, and dairy cattle. I am so excited to meet you throughout this year and am so grateful to be a part of the 2024-2025 Region VIII Officer Team. Let's make this year a great one!


Lillian West

Region Assisstant Officer

Hi Region VIII FFA,

 I'm Lilly West and this year I am one of your assistant officers. I am going to be a junior at Rushford-Peterson high school. I have been in FFA for the past 3 years and a member of the Norway Go Getters 4-H club for the past 7 years. Through FFA I have participated in many CDE's and LDE's, my favorite of which has been dairy evaluation where I have had success both individually and as a team member. I also have a 35 head sheep SAE project that I have had for the last 3 years. I started this project with 8 ewes and have grown from there working to improve my genetics as well as my managment practices. Outside of FFA I'm in many different activities such as softball, knowledge bowl and one act play. I'm also in 4-H where I show dairy cattle and steers as well as dairy judging, dairy project bowl and am a federation and club officer. I am extremely excited to get to meet everyone in the region and have many fun experiences with you all!


Haleigh Reiland

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Region Assisstant Officer

Hey everyone! My name is Haleigh Reiland and I am from the Dover- Eyota FFA Chapter. This is my junior year of highschool. I joined FFA as an 8th grader and I have learned so many things in the last four years. In FFA I have participated in many contests, but Crops has been my favorite. At my home Chapter I serve as our Vice President, and this will be my second year in office. Outside of FFA, I enjoy working, fishing, helping with chores on my family farm, spending time with family, and always trying to be outside. Being on the Region VIII Officer Team is such an honor, and I can't wait to see how amazing this next year will be!

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